PROJECT@X - Up This River Exhibition

PROJECT@X - Up This River Exhibition

Janeiro de Cima
The exhibition presents the work developed in a one-week residence in Janeiro de Cima, where projects thought up by students and teachers from the University of Aveiro, with the aid of the Aldeias do Xisto, were put into practice during the school year.

The Casa do Lagar, in the Aldeia do Xisto of Janeiro de Cima, hosts the Project@X - Por Este Rio Acima  exhibition, throughout the month of August. The inauguration will take place on the 4th, at 12pm.   

For one week, students and teachers from the Design Degree of the DeCA-UA - Department of Communication and Art of the University of Aveiro were in the Aldeias do Xisto of Janeiro de Cima to present the projects conceived and worked on during the school year with the Aldeias do Xisto. The Project@X - Up This River residence, which took place from 15 to 22 July, and encompassed the themes of water, nature and the dark sky and, in addition to teachers and students, called upon the experience and wisdom of the village inhabitants, especially in the area of carpentry and weaving.

The works produced in the graphic, wood, leather and textile workshops are now presented to the public.

In the Wood Workshops, held in the Mr. Acácio’s workshop under the coordination of Paulo Bago d'Uva, the students built a ferry-boat called "Janeiro de Cima" and started the construction of a second called "Janeiro de Baixo". Designed to explore the river in leisure, its construction recalls the layout of the traditional Zêzere ferries. After its maiden voyage on 22 July, "Janeiro de Cima" now returns to the water to join the traditional boats and participate in a test of skill, an initiative integrated in the Janeiro de Cima Walk programme, also taking place on the 4th.

Coordinated by José Leite, at the  Leather and Textile Workshops, held at the Casa das Tecedeiras, a new hood and a set of leather, linen and wollen bags were created with the explorers of the Aldeias do Xisto in mind

"Um Pouco de Cima" is the title of the work developed in the Graphic Workshops, under the coordination of Pedro Almeida.  Here graphic objects inspired by the village were developed, namely the herbarium, the flora map and other  enchanting features of Janeiro de Cima.

The exhibition can be visited from Monday to Saturday, between 9pm and 11pm. For visits outside of these hours, please contact the Parish Council at  +351 934 794 152.

Take the opportunity to spend the weekend exploring Janeiro de Cima. Plan your stay with the provided links. For a full list of products and services available in Aldeias do Xisto, visit


As Beiras
As Beiras
Pampilhosa da Serra

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