National Soapbox Racing Championship 2021 - Aldeias do Xisto Circuit

National Soapbox Racing Championship 2021 - Aldeias do Xisto Circuit

Pedrógão Grande
Soapbox racing is coming back to the roads of the Aldeias do Xisto, with five races counting for the National Championships.

The roads of the Aldeias do Xisto are once again the hosts for another edition of the National Soapbox Racing Championships (CNCR). Running from May to September, this year the Aldeias do Xisto Circuit includes Pedrógão Pequeno, Mosteiro, Gondramaz and Álvaro. In total, there are five events counting towards the CNCR:

There are 4 competitive categories: Category A, Traditional, Modified and Trikes. There are prizes for the top three in the traditional, modified, and Category A categories.

The races consist of a timed descent of an asphalt ramp in traditional soapbox carts.

Additional information can be obtained, and registration carried out through the following contacts:

  • Mobile phone: +351 919675275
  • Email:
  • Site:

The registration fee of 10 euros includes  VAT at the legal rate in force, the facilities necessary to carry out the activities, supervision of the activities, assistants, civil liability insurance and personal accident insurance for participants under the terms of Decree-Law 108/2009.

Established by the Trilhos do Zêzere entertainment company, the National Soapbox Racing Championship promotes an environmentally friendly form of entertainment, strengthening the connection with our scenic, cultural and gastronomic heritage. Helping to recover and maintain traditions, while at the same time boosting tourist activity wherever it is held.

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