Mostra de Artes e Sabores da Maúnça (Maunça Arts and Flavours Show)

Mostra de Artes e Sabores da Maúnça (Maunça Arts and Flavours Show)

Açor, Fundão
In this exhibition the ancestral secrets of the village of Açor will be revealed. A festival with the warmth and flavour of the rural traditions of the people of Beira surrounded by unique and stunning scenery.

This exhibition of arts and flavours, right in the heart of the Serra da Maúnça, celebrates the arrival of chestnuts, calling upon the senses and giving value to local gastronomy, traditions and handicrafts.

Maranhos, the “miaus” (characteristic cakes), rabbit in olive oil, chanfana (goat stew), beans with cabbage make this gastronomic festival a unique event, where, by the warmth of fireplaces, people get together and taste the medronho brandy or bread freshly baked in the community oven.

Saturday | 11 November

  • 11am: Opening 1st Drumming Group of Lavacolhos
  • 12.30pm: Beiras Concertina Group - Cultural Association Phonetic Summary
  • 3.30pm:Launch of the book “Minha longa caminhada pela Serra da Maúnça” by José Borges Rodrigues
  • 4pm: Community “Magusto”
  • 5pm: Beiços da Rapoula Bagpipes Group (Guarda)
  • 10pm: Fados from João Morgado Group
  • 10.30pm: Bordões da Beira Group

Sunday | 12 November

  • 8.30am: Walk along the Rota da Maunça with the Hikers of Gardunha
  • 10.30am: Drumming Group of the Casa do Povo do Souto da Casa
  • 12.30pm: Accordionist Association of Beira Baixa
  • 2pm: The Singing Group “As Sementinhas do Castelejo”
  • 2.30pm: Marafona enchanted “The Photographers”
  • 4.30pm: Community “Magusto”

The walk along the Maúnça Route will start at the Shrine of Santa Lúzia (Castelejo). Walkers can choose between two different routes: 9 Km of medium difficulty or 14 Km of medium/high difficulty.



Casas da Mina - Hostel
Casas da Mina - Hostel
Cabeço do Pião
Junta de Freguesia de Lavacolhos
Junta de Freguesia de Lavacolhos
Olho Vivo - Associação de Caça e Pesca
Olho Vivo - Associação de Caça e Pesca
Malhada Velha, Fundão
Pinus Verde - Association for Development
Pinus Verde - Association for Development
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