BENFEITAread in xistopediaThe Margaraça Forest corresponds to one of the… - PIÓDÃO (27KM)
We can take the EM518 through Pardieiros and Monte Frio until we reach the EN344, passing through and then overlooking Margaraça Forestread in xistopediaThe Margaraça Forest corresponds to one of the…. Continue the climb on the EN344 until the turnoff to the left to Piódão and follow the EM508: there is a panoramic stretch with stopping places and viewpoints from the west to the northeast, which extends to the beginning of the descent to the Historic Village. The final part of the route is particularly attractive because of the sequential angles of approach to the village.
After reaching the EN2, there is first a panoramic stretch over the Penedos de Góisread in xistopediaFrom here you can see Estrela Mountain, Açor… on our right, which extends between Póvoa da Cerdeira and the junction of the road to Santo António da Neveread in xistopediaThe chapel was built by Julião Pereira de… and Trevim. Just beyond Póvoa there is a small viewing point, at an altitude of 670m, in the direction of Penedos de Góis. A second section, from the start of the EN112 at Portela do Vento to the junction for Fajão, provides sweeping views to the south. There is also a third section, on the EM547, from the previous crossroads to Fajão. This section has a number of stopping places.
A stormy sea
“… What most impresses everyone who climbs the Pico do Trevim, in the serra da Lousã, or who, on the way to Pampilhosa along the road that now leads to Castelo Branco, reaches Portela do Vento and looks out over the chain of mountains that goes all the way to Muradal to the east, is that majestic way that reminds one of a shell-shaped sea, marvellous in its grandeur, where the depths of the Zêzere valley and its tributaries are visible. It is a grandiose and dazzling spectacle...”
José Cardoso (N: 1885; F: 1959) Lawyer, b. Fajão
Go along the EN351 until Cruz do Casal Novo. Here, following to the right on the EN350, is the beginning of a panoramic stretch that extends to the fork with the EN238-1. You can stop at Fonte da Mata, at an altitude of 885m, and safely enjoy the landscape. The first views are to the northwest and north (Lousã Mountainread in xistopediaA mountain range that uniquely combines the cultural…, Açor Mountainread in xistopediaThe Açor Mountain - the fifth highest in…) and this then also opens out to the south. Shortly after that junction, the road loses its scenic interest.
Section of the EM547 to Vidual de Baixo. While you’re here, do not miss the viewpoint on this side of the dam. After about 250m turn left, passing through Vale Grande and after crossing the bridge over the Ribeira de Unhais, continue uphill until you reach the junction with the EN344. Try not to miss the viewpoint on this side of the dam. Continue to Armadouro and from there to Janeiro de Baixo.
This section of the EM545, which goes through Dornelas do Zêzere, passes through Machialinho to Portela de Unhais where it merges onto the EN344 to Casal da Lapa. At the beginning, there are views over the Zêzere valley and, after Portela de Unhais, over the reservoir of the Santa Luzia Damread in xistopediaThis is one of the most stunning landscape… and Mount Vidual, with its spectacular quartzite crest. At Casal da Lapa, drive along the Fajão-Janeiro de Baixo section, in the opposite direction.
This is a panoramic stretch of the EN238 overlooking the Zêzere valley. It finishes at the Sarnadela Viewpoint, near the detour to Janeiro de Cima.
Take the Estrada Municipal (EM) to the Sanctuary of Nª Srª das Preces and from there head towards Piódão. Do not miss the viewpoint at Colcurinho/Chapel of Srª das Necessidades. When you reach the crossroads that give access to that Historical Village, you should take a right. The next section is signposted to Benfeita - Piódão, but in the opposite direction.
This is a section of the EN230 along the Alvoco river valley, that is, between Teixeira and Pedras Lavradas (junction with the EN231) and the initial 2km of the stretch of the EM from this point to Sobral de São Miguel.