aldeias do xisto shops
Creativity with values
The Aldeias do Xisto network is a social, environmental and quality brand, with the ultimate goal of mobilising an innovative concept of sustainable tourism in Central Portugal. The brand Aldeias do Xisto is committed to its social and environmental responsibilities.
The Aldeias do Xisto Shop Network shares these responsibilities and also defends Fair Trade and Solidarity as a way of contributing to sustainable development.
The Aldeias do Xisto Shop Network chain has chosen the following principles:
- Fostering micro-initiatives and the local economy
- Close contact based on a personal relationship of trust
- Networking of producers and craftspersons through mutual support and cooperation
- Commercial relations based on dialogue, transparency and respect between producers and craftspersons
- Fair redistribution of profits between producer and seller
- Real and fair pricing
- Commitment to discernment through genuine quality