xisto sonoro

art and culture
Xisto Sonoro

xisto sonoro

A sound and sensory portrait of the Aldeias do Xisto (Schist Villages).

The story of places through sounds

“This is a journey we propose, just as one must travel to truly know this entire network. Our proposal, of course, is a sensory journey—one that leads to the discovery of a set of unique villages, vital to the territory they belong to. Sit comfortably, put on your headphones, and embark on an exploration of the many sounds that make up these pieces, revealing the network of the Aldeias do Xisto. Bon voyage!” This is the invitation extended by soundscape artist Luís Antero with Xisto Sonoro - Paisagens Sonoras da Rede das Aldeias do Xisto (Sonorous Schist – Soundscapes of the Aldeias do Xisto Network), a work that traverses all 27 villages of the network. Amid differences and common elements, it brings us closer to the ancient sounds that once filled these places, carrying with them the history of the land and the people who have shaped and continue to shape it.

A sound portrait of Aldeias do Xisto

This project by Luís Antero, dating back to 2013, offers a sensory and auditory journey, revealing the identity of the territory. Across 24 soundtracks (as the villages of Janeiro de Baixo and Janeiro de Cima, as well as Candal, Casal Novo, and Chiqueiro, are grouped into two respective tracks), the collected recordings paint a sound portrait of Aldeias do Xisto. This work invites listeners to discover a rich tapestry of activities, traditions, and communities—each unique and essential to the region in which they are rooted.

Originality, authenticity, ancestrality

The villages were explored in search of their characteristic sounds, their unique sonic markers that distinguish them from one another and make each a singular place. At the same time, the journey also revealed common elements: the chime of the church tower clock marking the hours is just one example, along with the tolling of cattle bells or the murmur of flowing streams. Yet, even in what is shared, the Aldeias do Xisto exhibit remarkable uniqueness. A striking example is the uninterrupted 1,620 chimes of the Torre da Paz (Peace Tower) bell in Benfeita, which resonates for nearly an hour and a half every year on May 7th—an exceptional and original tradition. It is this originality, this authenticity, and this deep sense of ancestry that shape the Aldeias do Xisto into a unique sound mosaic, an aural reflection of Portugal’s rural heritage.

Traditional Entrudo in Aigra Nova

The celebration of Entrudo is one of the most deeply rooted traditions in the Aldeias do Xisto, particularly in Aigra Nova, nestled in the heart of the Lousã Moutain. This sound project captures the uniqueness of the various moments that define this festivity, including the Corrida do Entrudo (Entrudo Race), the challenge of climbing the greased pole to win codfish and ham, the playful rhyming verses, and the handcrafted creation of the now-iconic cork masks.

Xisto Sonoro Concerts

As part of XJazz – Jazz Encounters in the Aldeias do Xisto, an initiative promoted by Jazz ao Centro Coimbra (JACC) in partnership with ADXTUR – the Agency for Tourism Development of the Aldeias do Xisto, a remarkable concert took place at O Passadiço bar in Janeiro de Cima, Fundão. Musician and multi-instrumentalist Gonçalo Parreirão joined Luís Antero in a memorable experience for all in attendance. Cerdeira, in Lousã, also became a stage for Xisto Sonoro, hosting a concert as part of the 2017 edition of Elementos à Solta. This special performance featured the participation of local musician João J. Francisco, further enriching the festival’s artistic and sonic landscape.

Nocturnes: the roaring of deer and the Margaraça Forest

Nocturnes is a compilation of nighttime recordings captured in classified natural areas, aiming to document their unique soundscapes and the dynamics that unfold after dark. Among the standout recordings in this collection are the atmospheric sounds of Margaraça Forest, located within the Protected Landscape of Serra do Açor, and the mesmerizing roar of deer during the rutting season in Lousã Mountain - both essential listening experiences in this remarkable project.


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