Janeiro de Cima

ZêzereJaneiro de Cima
Janeiro de Cima
janeiro de cima, fundão
Ahoy there ferry! By the Zêzere one shouts “Ahoy there ferry!” to cross the river. In Janeiro de Cima that was how people and trade used to travel from one bank to the other and today you can still take a ride upstream.

Janeiro de Cima is on the left bank of the Zêzere, in an almost flat zone, surrounded by an extensive blanket of farmland.

The relationship of the community with the river is evident, and it is on its banks that one of the most pleasant leisure spaces in the village can be found: the Lavandeira Fluvial Park. A meeting point, where boat competitions take place every year, honouring the way people used to cross the river and, after shouting "Ó da Barca", people and commerce from both banks would come together. Currently, the ferry is available to anyone who wants to explore the banks of the Zêzere from it.

In the old village centre, stroll through the jumble of winding streets where the houses stand back-to-back, revealing their characteristic schist facades dotted with smooth, white, round stones from the river.

Secrets are hiding here, such as the  Casa das Tecedeiras (Weavers’ House), which reinvent traditions and transport us back in time.

  • territory

    Janeiro de Cima is in the municipality of Fundão (40km), in a flat zone on the left bank of the Zêzere, where the north-east slope of the Serra da Gardunha mountain range ends.

  • nature

    Its proximity to the Zêzere  is one of the major attractions of Janeiro de Cima.
    It is the river that has always ensured the survival of the village, providing water for irrigating the fields and powering the mills. Furthermore, some gold flakes were discovered in the river bed and along the banks, prompting gold mining.

    Nowadays, the river plays an important role as a leisure zone. The Meandros do Zêzere(meanders of the Zêzere) Geomonument is in the vicinity of the village, within the Naturtejo Geopark.

  • history and stories

    The earliest cartographic representation of Janeiro de Cima is from 1600, attesting to its existence in the 15th century.

    Certain construction features of the  Old Church  and some of the religious images it contains seem to confirm this. Three private buildings in the village, attributable to the 17th and 18th centuries, bear witness to the importance of the village in this era.

    Origin of the name
    Legend has it that in the 16th or 17th century there was a large landowner who had two sons, both named Januário. He decided to divide his possessions between them, with everything to the right of the river going to one son and everything to the left going to the other. This situation is said to have given rise to the name Janeiro being applied to both villages.

    Legend of St. Sebastian and the Festa do Bodo (a festival where food is shared with the poor)
    Legend says that in the mid 18th century St. Sebastian saved the inhabitants of Janeiro de Cima from a serious epidemic. Since then, the Festa do Bodo is celebrated every year in thanksgiving. This is a Festival where food is shared with the poor

  • patrimony

    In Janeiro de Cima, uniquely, the architecture in schist includes round, white stones from the bed of the Zêzere river.

    The first houses in the village grew up around the Old Church  from where a complex of narrow streets with their own unique character snake out organically, interlinking with passageways and side streets, courtyards and alleyways, in a medieval structure of great historical value.

    Also worth a visit:

    • Casa das Tecedeiras (Weavers’ House)
    • Chapel of São Sebastião
    • Private buildings from the 17th-18th century
    • Old Church
    • Janeiro Water wheel
    • Giant Loom
    • The Ferry
    • Passage and alleyways
    • New Church
      Modern church (20th century) built in what was then the outskirts of the village, when the Old Church could no longer hold all those wishing to attend religious ceremonies.
    • Primary school
      Yet another educational establishment of this national type made up of hundreds of schoolhouses, built under the Estado Novo’s so-called "Centenaries Plan" in so many other villages around the country in accordance with base projects previously established for each region.
    • Chapel of Divino Espírito Santo
      Probably founded in the 16th century, which would be when the image of its patron saint, the Holy Spirit, was made. In 1758 – in the Parish Memoirs written by village curate, José Pereira – the chapel is mentioned as being outside the village, at a distance of five or six musket shots. It was completely rebuilt in 1994. It has a longitudinal plan consisting of the nave and a narrower chancel with an open porch. The interior boasts a pointed triumphal arch in rendered and painted granite. The chancel, one step above the nave, has a concave altarpiece divided into three by columns with late Baroque carved gilt and painted stems and fake marble. It has a niche with a background painted in polychrome flowers and moulding featuring plant and shell motifs.
    • Chapel of Nª Srª das Necessidades
      En route to the Chapel of S. Sebastião.
    • Balconies
      There are a significant number of balconies in the village testifying to an original use of the upper floor for residential purposes, while the ground floor housed animals and agricultural implements.
  • products
    • Hortícolas
    • Azeitona e azeite
    • Produtos da Casa das Tecedeiras
  • how to arrive

    De Norte
    Na A1 sair em Coimbra (saída 12). Passe Coimbra, tome a N17 (Estrada da Beira) em direção à Guarda e saia na N236 no sentido da Lousã. Ao chegar à Lousã continue na direção de Góis, pela EN342. Após 15 km, ainda antes de Góis, na rotunda do Cimo do Alvém (Portela de Góis), cortar à direita para a N2 na direção de Pampilhosa da Serra durante 13 km. Continue então pela N112 passando a Pampilhosa da Serra ao fim de 22 km. Continue pela N112 em direção ao Fundão mas vire à esquerda para Janeiro de Baixo, após 10km, seguindo agora pela N344. Passados 2km corte à direita para Janeiro de Baixo, pela N546. Após 6km, em Janeiro de Baixo, vire à esquerda para Janeiro de Cima. Após 3,7 km chegará a Janeiro de Cima.

    De Sul
    Na A1 saia para Abrantes/castelo Branco (saída 7 – A23). Seguir pela A23 até à Saída 23 (Castelo Branco Norte). Seguir na N112 na direção de Pampilhosa da Serra durante 44 km. Ao chegar ao Orvalho, na rotunda, vire na segunda à direita em direção ao Fundão. Seguir pela N238 durante 5km, virando então à esquerda na direção de Urgueiro e Janeiro de Baixo. Siga cerca de 5,5 km e estará em Janeiro de Cima.

    De Espanha
    Na A23 sair em direção a Fundão-Sul. No Fundão seguir pela N238 durante 40km, até cortar à direita para Janeiro de Cima (EM518). Após 3,5km chegará a Janeiro de Cima.

  • Residents' name
  • Patron saint
    nossa senhora da assunção
  • Ex-libris



Janeiro de Cima
As Beiras
As Beiras
Pampilhosa da Serra
Casa de Janeiro
Casa de Janeiro
Janeiro de Cima
Casa da Pedra Rolada
Casa da Pedra Rolada
Janeiro de Cima
Casa da Ti Adélia
Casa da Ti Adélia
Janeiro de Cima
Casa Cova do Barro
Casa Cova do Barro
Janeiro de Cima
Xisto Camping
Xisto Camping
Janeiro de Baixo
Casa do Centro
Casa do Centro
Casa da Oliveira
Casa da Oliveira
Casa do Silvério
Casa do Silvério
Associação de Solidariedade Social, Recreativa e Cultural de Janeiro de Cima
Associação de Solidariedade Social, Recreativa e Cultural de Janeiro de Cima
Chapel of São Sebastião
Chapel of São Sebastião
Grupo Desportivo Tigres do Zêzere
Grupo Desportivo Tigres do Zêzere
Janeiro de Cima
PR 2 FND - Janeiro de Cima Schist Walking Trail - Ahoy, the boat!
PR 2 FND - Janeiro de Cima Schist Walking Trail - Ahoy, the boat!
Meanders - GRZ on Foot: Stage 6.2
Meanders - GRZ on Foot: Stage 6.2
Meanders - Janeiro de Cima > Janeiro de Cima Rest Area - GRZ on Foot: Stage 2
Meanders - Janeiro de Cima > Janeiro de Cima Rest Area - GRZ on Foot: Stage 2
União das Freguesias de Janeiro de Cima e Bogas de Baixo
União das Freguesias de Janeiro de Cima e Bogas de Baixo
Janeiro de Cima, Fundão
Meanders - Janeiro de Cima Rest Area > Janeiro de Baixo - GRZ on Foot: Stage 3
Meanders - Janeiro de Cima Rest Area > Janeiro de Baixo - GRZ on Foot: Stage 3
PR 6 PPS - Porto de Vacas Schist Walking Trail - A magical stretch of the Zêzere Grand Route
PR 6 PPS - Porto de Vacas Schist Walking Trail - A magical stretch of the Zêzere Grand Route
Comissão de Melhoramentos de Porto de Vacas
Comissão de Melhoramentos de Porto de Vacas
Janeiro de Baixo
Porto de Vacas - Xiqueiro Epic Climb
Porto de Vacas - Xiqueiro Epic Climb
Meanders II [GR33 - GRZ: Canoeing]
Meanders II [GR33 - GRZ: Canoeing]
Janeiro de Baixo
Janeiro de Baixo
Junta de Freguesia de Janeiro de Baixo
Junta de Freguesia de Janeiro de Baixo
Janeiro de Baixo, Pampilhosa da Serra
Meanders - Janeiro de Baixo > Janeiro de Baixo Rest Area - GRZ on Foot: Stage 4
Meanders - Janeiro de Baixo > Janeiro de Baixo Rest Area - GRZ on Foot: Stage 4
PR4 PPS - Janeiro de Baixo Schist Walking Trail
PR4 PPS - Janeiro de Baixo Schist Walking Trail
Meanders - Janeiro de Baixo Rest Area > Admoço - GRZ on Foot: Stage 5
Meanders - Janeiro de Baixo Rest Area > Admoço - GRZ on Foot: Stage 5
Meanders - Admoço > Cambas - GRZ on Foot: Stage 6
Meanders - Admoço > Cambas - GRZ on Foot: Stage 6
Junta de Freguesia de Orvalho
Junta de Freguesia de Orvalho
Adventure at Serra
Adventure at Serra
Cyclin'Portugal Centre of Casal da Lapa (P17 - Green)
Cyclin'Portugal Centre of Casal da Lapa (P17 - Green)
Cyclin'Portugal Centre of Casal da Lapa (P20 - Black)
Cyclin'Portugal Centre of Casal da Lapa (P20 - Black)
PR3 PPS - Santa Luzia Dam Schist Routes
PR3 PPS - Santa Luzia Dam Schist Routes
Cyclin'Portugal Centre of Casal da Lapa (P19 - Red)
Cyclin'Portugal Centre of Casal da Lapa (P19 - Red)
Cyclin'Portugal  Centre of Casal da Lapa (P18 - Blue)
Cyclin'Portugal Centre of Casal da Lapa (P18 - Blue)
PR8 PPS - Pampilhosa da Serra Schist Walking Trail – Unhais River Route
PR8 PPS - Pampilhosa da Serra Schist Walking Trail – Unhais River Route
Astrofotografia na Barragem de Santa Luzia - 27 de agosto
Astrofotografia na Barragem de Santa Luzia - 27 de agosto
Night Laser Tag
Night Laser Tag
Epic Adventure
Epic Adventure
Night Canoeing on the Santa Luzia Dam
Night Canoeing on the Santa Luzia Dam
Dia e Noite na Barragem de Santa Luzia
Dia e Noite na Barragem de Santa Luzia
Escalada na Via Ferrata da Barragem Santa Luzia
Escalada na Via Ferrata da Barragem Santa Luzia
Climb the Nature Center - Via Ferrata Barragem Santa Luzia
Climb the Nature Center - Via Ferrata Barragem Santa Luzia
Via Ferrata of Santa Luzia
Via Ferrata of Santa Luzia
Starlight Journey
Starlight Journey
Meanders [GRZ - MTB sector 4]
Meanders [GRZ - MTB sector 4]
GRZ on Foot - Meanders [Sector 4]
GRZ on Foot - Meanders [Sector 4]
Meanders - Dornelas do Zêzere > Janeiro de Cima - GRZ on Foot: Stage 1
Meanders - Dornelas do Zêzere > Janeiro de Cima - GRZ on Foot: Stage 1
Meanders - Detour Dornelas do Zêzere > Alqueidão - GRZ on Foot: Stage 4.2
Meanders - Detour Dornelas do Zêzere > Alqueidão - GRZ on Foot: Stage 4.2
Under the Sign of Cabril I [GR33 - GRZ: Canoeing]
Under the Sign of Cabril I [GR33 - GRZ: Canoeing]
Pinus Verde - Association for Development
Pinus Verde - Association for Development
Bogas de Cima
Unhais-o-Velho Climbing Crag
Unhais-o-Velho Climbing Crag
Under the Sign of Cabril [GRZ - MTB Sector 5]
Under the Sign of Cabril [GRZ - MTB Sector 5]
Under the Sign of Cabril - Cambas > Abitureira- GRZ on Foot: Stage 1
Under the Sign of Cabril - Cambas > Abitureira- GRZ on Foot: Stage 1
Adega dos Apalaches
GRZ on Foot  - Under the Sign of Cabril [Sector 5]
GRZ on Foot - Under the Sign of Cabril [Sector 5]
Clássica Aldeias do Xisto: Barroca - Cerdeira
Clássica Aldeias do Xisto: Barroca - Cerdeira
PR9 PPS - Schist Villages Trail - Velho de Unhais Route
PR9 PPS - Schist Villages Trail - Velho de Unhais Route
Olho Vivo - Associação de Caça e Pesca
Olho Vivo - Associação de Caça e Pesca
Malhada Velha, Fundão
PR1 FND - Schist trails of Barroca - route of the rock engravings
PR1 FND - Schist trails of Barroca - route of the rock engravings
Mining Territory - Barroca > Dornelas do Zêzere - GRZ on Foot: Stage 3
Mining Territory - Barroca > Dornelas do Zêzere - GRZ on Foot: Stage 3
Panoramic Road: Barroca - Janeiro de Cima
Panoramic Road: Barroca - Janeiro de Cima
Panoramic Road: Barroca - Fajão
Panoramic Road: Barroca - Fajão
ADXTUR- Agência para o Desenvolvimento Turístico das Aldeias do Xisto
ADXTUR- Agência para o Desenvolvimento Turístico das Aldeias do Xisto
Barroca, Fundão
Junta de Freguesia de Barroca
Junta de Freguesia de Barroca
Barroca, Fundão
Meanders I [GR33 - GRZ: Canoeing]
Meanders I [GR33 - GRZ: Canoeing]

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