
lousã mountain
Lousã MountainTalasnal
talasnal, lousã
Here nature reigns. Explore this village deep in the magical world of Lousã Mountain, hidden among lush vegetation where deer, roebuck, wild boar and many other species lurk.

For a long time now, this is the Schist Village of the Serra da Lousã that has lent most visibility and charm to the group because of its size and layout, but also because of the many details of the restoration of its houses. And also by the way the village seduces us through the mouth.

The spring and tank emit a melody that accompanies our visit. The houses are adorned with vine branches.

The main street follows the slope of the hillside, a steep climb. Off it run lanes and alleys, which create a spirit of discovery making everyone want to explore in the expectation of a surprise around the next corner.

Explore this village deep in the magical world of the Serra da Lousã, hidden among lush vegetation where red deer, roe deer, wild boar and many other species lurk. Here nature reigns, sensitive and demanding respect. But it offers endless possibilities for leisure and active sports. Here one feels the pulse of the earth and its communion with men when the villages are seen from a distance. They appear to have sprung naturally from the schist ground like the trees.

  • territory

    The village is located on the western slope of the Lousã Mountain, in the river basin of the Ribeira de São João. It lies 12 km from Lousã, from where we depart for Cacilhas.

    On one of the north-facing slopes of the deeply incised river basin of the Ribeira de São João, Talasnal is built along a fold that descends steeply to the bottom of the valley. The buildings seem to defy the rules of equilibrium to remain standing on such steep slopes.

  • nature

    Cerdeira is included in the Lousã Mountain Site of Community Importance of the Natura 2000 Network. We often encounter deer even at the entrance to the village. On entering the village we pass over a wooden bridge crossing a small stream. However, from the valley at the bottom of the village rises the tumultuous sound of rushing water. Like part of a Christmas crib set on the south and west facing slope of the mountain, the village of Cerdeira spontaneously took on the appearance of an amphitheatre intersected by the meandering channel of a stream. This is the Ribeira da Cerdeira, which carries away the waters that pour down the higher western slopes of the Serra da Lousã.

    The movement of the water seems to give life to the village, establishing an intimate relationship with the watercourse along which several watermills and irrigation systems have been installed. Through here race the waters that fall on Trevim on their journey to join the Ribeira de São João, the river Arouce, the river Ceira and the river Mondego.

    The Serra da Lousã uniquely combines the cultural and human aspects of the Schist Villages, with the natural environment and leisure possibilities that its landscape offers. It is home to red deer, wild boar and roe deer that peek through the cork oaks, chestnut trees, oaks and, of course, pines. It is crossed by numerous hiking/mountain biking trails and paths that lead us to St. António da Neve, Alto do Trevim, Lousã Castle or to the Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy... and not forgetting the river beaches.

  • history and stories

    In general, the history of this village is similar to the histories of the other four Schist Villages in Lousã municipality.  Permanent settlement of the villages of the Lousã Mountain occurred in the second half of the 17th century or beginning of the 18th century.  Until then, occupation was only seasonal, in the spring and summer, with pastoralism practices. Indeed, the “Register of the population of the Kingdom (1527)” mentions none of these villages in its entry for Lousã.

    The oldest documents that point to their occupation are a fine imposed by Lousã Council in 1679 and the register of tenant properties ordered by King Pedro II in 1687. At the beginning of the 19th century only Candal and Cerdeira escaped pillaging by the Napoleonic army. In 1885 the population of the seven villages (the five Schist Villages, plus Catarredor and Vaqueirinho) corresponded to 8.7% of the total population of the parish of Lousã (5340 inhabitants).

    The resident population reached its peak in 1911 with 129 inhabitants. It possessed a school and two olive presses.  The school was the pride of the “population who gave contributions to build it. Afterwards, when it was ready, it lacked teachers, and when they arrived, it lacked pupils until 1975, when it was closed when only two children were attending.” In 1981 there were only two permanent inhabitants. Today, all the original inhabitants have departed, many of them to other continents. The houses have changed hands and have been converted into second homes, visitor accommodation or commercial establishments.

  • patrimony

    The village layout is complex, with the houses spreading across a south-facing slope (most of the village) and another slope facing north. The main street follows the slope of the hillside, a steep climb. Off it run lanes and alleys, which create a spirit of discovery making everyone want to explore in the expectation of a surprise around the next corner. The predominant building material is a dark-coloured schist, and almost all of the facades of the buildings are unrendered.

    Worth a visit:

    • Wayside shrine
      On the main street in a niche with a wooden border.
    • Olive presses
      There are two olive presses in the village. One is in ruins. The other, in private hands, was recently restored. They are testimony to the much “green gold” that was produced here.
  • products
    • Talasnicos
      The combination of honey and chestnuts in these cakes is a perfect marriage in terms of convent confectionery. The name given to this creation is homage to the village where the idea for this bun germinated and the first trials were made. Fairy hands forged this flavour inspired by the gods. Its creator was Mirita Meira Santos.
    • Retalhinhos
      The most recent confectionery creation inspired by Talasnal. These chestnut and almond tarts were invented by Maria José, the owner of the Casa da Urze and Retalhinho.
  • how to arrive

    De Norte e de Sul
    Na A1 sair para Coimbra. Tome a N17 (Estrada da Beira) e 14 km após a ponte sobre o Rio Mondego saia para a N236 no sentido da Lousã. Após 9 km chega à Lousã. Aí deverá tomar o caminho florestal de terra batida, a partir de Cacilhas em direcção às Aldeias do Xisto. Siga depois as indicações para a aldeia.

    De Espanha
    Na A23 sair na saída 18 na direcção Pombal/Sertã tomando o IC8. Após 64 km sair na direcção de Castanheira de Pera pela N236-1. Após 10 km, em Castanheira de Pera, seguir pela N236, subindo a Serra da Lousã até encontrar indicação das Aldeias do Xisto à esquerda através de um caminho florestal em terra batida.

  • Patron saint
    nossa senhora da guia
  • Ex-libris
    tank and fountain



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Miranda do Corvo
Sabores da Aldeia Restaurant
Sabores da Aldeia Restaurant

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