
The Celeste Project was distinguished in BPI’s and La Caixa Foundation’s “Programa Promove”

20 jun 2022
The Celeste Project was distinguished in BPI’s and La Caixa Foundation’s “Programa Promove”
The aim is the development, prototyping and manufacturing of lighting posts capable of ensuring adequate public lighting without compromising the quality of observation of the night sky.

The "Celeste" Project – public lighting for the prevention of light pollution, designed by a consortium led by the University of Aveiro in partnership with the Municipality of Pampilhosa da Serra and the Instituto de Telecomunicações, was distinguished in the 4th edition of the “Programa Promove o Futuro do Interior”, promoted by BPI, the La Caixa Foundation and the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia Foundation. This project is also partnered with ADXTUR – Aldeias do Xisto Tourism Development Agency and the Municipality of Oleiros.

According to Rui Simão, Town Councillor for Pampilhosa da Serra, this is a "pilot project divided into three phases", which consists in the development, prototyping and manufacturing of lighting capable of "guaranteeing adequate public lighting, but at the same time with characteristics in terms of light efficiency that safeguard the quality of the clear night sky".

The first phase of the project consists of the "investigation of the circumstances associated with public lighting and light pollution", the second being the "prototyping of scientific concepts". For this purpose, Rui Simão explained how a "prototype will be built in a laboratory environment", at the University of Aveiro, "in cooperation with the Department of Communication and Art and the Department of Mechanical Engineering with the support of the Instituto de Telecomunicações".

Finally, the production of a pre-series of 12 initial units is planned, in Pampilhosa da Serra, through the assembly of an "industrial production project", and "the real impact in terms of public lighting and safeguarding the night sky" will also be monitored, noted the town councillor.

If the expected "good results" are verified, an expansion phase will begin, not only for the production but also for the application of these public lighting posts elsewhere.

Rui Simão also noted that "this project is also a symbol to persuade significant organisations in Portugal to invest in Pampilhosa da Serra", a territory "capable of engaging with science, technology and innovation at the highest level".

More important than the prize for this project, set at 200 thousand euros, is the “materialisation of the Municipality´s investment in its relationship with the sky", both in terms of science and tourism, "to build astrotourism services and explore further our relationship with the night", concluded the elected official.

Photo by Babs & JoJo

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