
Geoscope of Fajão - Feet on the ground, eyes on the sky

28 jun 2024
Geoscope of Fajão - Feet on the ground, eyes on the sky
A rare and unique place to observe the night sky and make it a scientific, economic, and touristic asset. Under this sign of hope, the Geoscope – Astronomical Observatory of Fajão (Pampilhosa da Serra) was inaugurated yesterday (June 27, 2024), a project promoted by ADXTUR - Agency for the Tourist Development of Aldeias de Xisto and the Municipality of Pampilhosa da Serra.

At the presentation ceremony of the Geoscope of Fajão, which included representatives of the project's promoters and entities such as Turismo de Portugal, Turismo do Centro, Intermunicipal Communities, local mayors, CCDR Centro, and universities, the strategic lines of this project were defined. The aim is to position the region as a differentiated and qualified destination for astrotourism and night sky observation.

“We are not the first to look at the dark sky, but we are among the first to do so from within the community – scientific community, school community, local community – and this can position the Centro region as a new ecosystem that we should see as a differentiating and strategic asset,” said Paulo Fernandes, president of ADXTUR.

The mayor of Pampilhosa da Serra, Jorge Custódio, emphasized the uniqueness of the Geoscope project and the starlight strategy.

“We are leveraging a scientific value and asset to create a dynamic and a territorial development strategy based on science. We invite people to come to the region and look at the sky. We transform potential into opportunities, which we must now develop as a tourist product capable of attracting investment and generating wealth for the community.”

Public entities and partners praised the convergence, cooperation and potential of the project during the inauguration ceremony, which also featured speeches from the project's designer, João Nunes (creative director of the project), the President and Executive Secretary of CIM Região de Coimbra, Emílio Torrão and Jorge Brito, respectively, the Vice-President of Turismo do Centro de Portugal, Anabela Freitas, and the Director of Marketing and Markets of Turismo de Portugal, Telma Gonçalves.

The structure consists of a dome, a place for observation and sensory knowledge at the top of Fajão, and a kiosk, a reception and welcoming space located in the village center, integrating theoretical and practical content, with models and virtual reality and recreational-educational activities. The project also benefits from the scientific guidance of astronomer José Matos and will feature an event calendar with observation sessions "Starlight Journey" astrophotography, and guided tours, always by reservation and prior registration through ADXTUR, the Geoscope, and certified tour operators. The observation equipment can only be used during organized visits and observations and is not available to the general public.

Observation programs can already be scheduled on the BookinXisto booking platform at the following links:

The Kiosk will be open to the public starting July 3rd with the following opening hours:

Wednesday and Thursday: 4 PM – 10 PM
Friday and Saturday: 4 PM – Midnight
Sunday: 2 PM – 6 PM

The dome – observation structure is free to enter and access, but if you do not schedule a visit, it is advisable to bring your own observation equipment or be amazed by the magnificent dark sky of Fajão with the most exciting observation instrument of humanity, your eyes.

The new facility dedicated to astrotourism represents an investment of 179,280 euros, co-funded by the Sustainability Support Line of the Valorizar Program, Turismo de Portugal, and the Interreg Program: Globaltur Project – Euroace, of the European Union.

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