
Autumn Tastes Better in the Aldeias do Xisto

01 oct 2024
Autumn Tastes Better in the Aldeias do Xisto
In the Aldeias do Xisto, the passing of the seasons and time itself are savored more slowly.

In the Aldeias do Xisto, the passing of the seasons and time itself are savored more slowly. The colors, scents, climate, and life take on the forms of autumn, with the landscape painted in gold and red like a seasonal mantle of color.

Autumn is a time for renewal and reconnection with nature, enjoying the last days of sunshine before winter arrives. It’s also a time for harvests and rural life, a time for the deer rutting season.

Across the landscapes and places surrounding the 27 Aldeias do Xisto, one can find that perfect time and place to enjoy a few days of calm, beauty, and the warmth of a fireplace, a cozy blanket, and a glass of good wine. Here are a few suggestions to discover the autumn charms of this region.

This passage evokes a peaceful and immersive experience of autumn in the Aldeias do Xisto, inviting people to connect with nature and rural traditions during this special season.

Leisure Nature

This is a region with well-defined biogeophysical characteristics, primarily connected to schist, forest, and water. It is a mountainous area where mid-altitude mountain ranges follow one another.

In the territory of the Aldeias do Xisto, there are important natural spaces and numerous species that make it one of the most significant areas for nature conservation in Portugal. To experience the colors and scents of autumn, you can mark the Margaraça Forest in the municipality of Arganil on your map.

Located in the heart of the Serra do Açor Protected Area, it is a rare example of spontaneous mountain vegetation, an important Biogenetic Reserve, considered the last stronghold of original vegetation in central Portugal. Covering 68 hectares, the Margaraça Forest is an area worth exploring for its freshness and biodiversity.

Oak, strawberry tree, hazel, cherry, honeysuckle, martagon lily, elm, and heather (whose pollen gives a characteristic flavor to Serra do Açor honey), along with a rich coverage of mosses, lichens, and fungi, are abundant species that can be observed here. As for the fauna, notable species include the goshawk, tawny owl, sparrowhawk, common buzzard, black crow, wood pigeon, turtledove, and bullfinch, which call the forest home.

The Margaraça Forest is one of the most remarkable deciduous forests in Portugal. Ideal for a hike or tree observation, the Margaraça Forest dresses in autumn colors from late October.

This passage highlights the natural beauty and biodiversity of the Margaraça Forest, making it a prime destination for autumn exploration in the Aldeias do Xisto.

Nearby, you can visit the Aldeia do Xisto of Benfeita, also nestled in the Serra do Açor, another world to discover this autumn. As early as 1896, Viscount Sanches de Frias described the Serra do Açor as a 'fascinating cluster of converging mountains, forming an exceptionally rugged region, where it would be difficult to find a single kilometer of flat land.' It is when crossing these serrated peaks of the Açor that one truly feels the sea of mountains stretching endlessly, a defining feature of the Aldeias do Xisto' landscape. Besides Benfeita, you can explore other Aldeias do Xisto in the Serra do Açor, all offering tranquility, silence, and authenticity. From Aldeia das Dez to Fajão (home to the Geoscope – Fajão Astronomical Observatory, a prime destination for astrotourism), passing through Vila Cova de Alva and Sobral de São Miguel, in the Covilhã municipality and the transition to Serra da Estrela.

Another place to discover this autumn is the Serra da Lousã. This is the season of the deer rut, which can be observed and heard in various parts of the mountain range and in some Aldeias do Xisto. There are companies and associations that organize visits to witness this natural symphony.

The Serra da Lousã uniquely combines the cultural and natural aspects of the Aldeias do Xisto. Nearly half of the 27 Aldeias do Xisto are located in the Serra da Lousã: Aigra Nova, Aigra Velha, Candal, Casal de São Simão, Casal Novo, Cerdeira, Chiqueiro, Comareira, Ferraria de São João, Gondramaz, Pena, and Talasnal. These are small villages, often hidden by the lush vegetation that surrounds them, where schist and quartzite dominate the landscape.

The Serra da Lousã has a very special mystique. The green-covered hills, often wrapped in mist, give it an aura of magic and mystery. Combined with its creative, artistic, cultural, and sporting dynamism, this has been attracting more and more visitors to the region. It is home to deer, wild boar, and roe deer that peek through cork oaks, chestnut trees, oaks, and, of course, pines. The area is crisscrossed by numerous hiking and mountain biking trails, as well as paths leading to St. António da Neve, Alto do Trevim, Castelo da Lousã, or Sra. da Piedade.

For those traveling with children, another recommendation in Serra da Lousã is the Serra da Lousã Biological Park, where you can learn about the region's wildlife and even sponsor an animal.

Active Nature

There’s no better way to experience autumn within the forest than by walking or cycling through it. Across the Aldeias do Xisto, there are over 2,000 kilometers of marked hiking trails. If choosing is the hardest part, the best option is to visit our website myxistotrails.ptto find the most spectacular routes, offering different levels of difficulty, but always with the same scenic richness.

In the Aldeias do Xisto, there is a deep cycling culture, which has helped establish them as the first Cyclin’ Portugal destination in the country, using cycling as a tool for regional development. Here, you can challenge your skill and endurance on technically demanding trails or simply enjoy a relaxed ride through nature.

There are dozens of well-marked trails with various difficulty levels, supported by a network of Cyclin’ Portugal Centers and Bikotelaccommodations, specialized in hosting cyclists. Plan your visit and your adventure, and discover the Cyclin’ Centers in the Aldeias do Xisto.


Panoramic Roads

For those who prefer to travel by car or motorcycle and cover kilometers across the Aldeias do Xisto, we offer a set of certified Panoramic Roads that provide a unique scenic frame. These routes feature typical mountain roads, with twists and turns winding through the hillsides, valleys, and the most remote villages, where time seems to stand still. Along the lost roads of Portugal, the Aldeias do Xisto also offer rare beauty and tranquility for motorhome enthusiasts. Explore the 14 motorhome service areasscattered across the region, which will allow you to travel safely and peacefully.

Along the way, you won’t lack breathtaking views with endless landscapes from the network of Viewpoints of the Aldeias do Xisto, such as the recently inaugurated Zebro Viewpoint, designed by Architect Siza Vieira


There’s plenty to do, and also time to do nothing in the Aldeias do Xisto. From the deer rut to mushroom walks, and from historical, architectural, and religious heritage, there is no shortage of places to visit and activities to experience, many of which are promoted by local tour operators.

For example, Epic Land offers activities ranging from nighttime sky observation at the Fajão Geoscope, to nighttime canoeing, or climbing via ferratas with different levels of difficulty.

In Cerdeira, the village of arts, there are numerous activities, workshops, and training sessions. You can spend a day taking an Introduction to Ceramics Course or learn how to carve wooden spoons with artisan Sílvio Soares.


With autumn comes the season of flavors and traditions. Chestnuts reign in the trees, while chanfana and lagaradas (communal meals after olive pressing) dominate the table. Lagaradas and alambicadas (distillations) are symbols of the community spirit in these villages, providing gastronomic gatherings that invite visitors to participate and get to know the traditions and people of these places. For example, Lousitânea, an association, often organizes these events, such as "Broa and Cheese Programs," available on any day by reservation, and has an Alambicada scheduled for October 13.

Crafted by hands with ancient knowledge, the recipes of the Aldeias do Xisto are infused with the genuine flavor of tradition.

The quality of the region's cuisine can be experienced in many of the partner restaurants, offering the best traditional flavors, whether in classic dishes or with a contemporary twist, always respecting the spirit of the place.

Whether it’s bread, migas or açordas, soups, broths or porridge, various fish or meats, traditional sausages, or delicious cakes and sweets, the gastronomic heritage of the Aldeias do Xisto is another tempting reason to explore this region.

This translation highlights both the range of activities and the rich culinary traditions that make the Aldeias do Xisto an appealing destination, especially in autumn.

For comforting and cozy meals where you can discover the authentic flavors of the region, we recommend HERE some restaurants.

Where to Stay

A fireplace, a blanket, and a comfortable place to spend a few days listening to the silence of the Aldeias do Xisto. There is no shortage of cozy accommodations ranging from village houses to rural tourism establishments, as well as comfortable hotels.

For this autumn, here are some of our suggestions: Hotel Parque Serra da Lousã in Miranda do Corvo offers experiences ranging from a spa to tasting sessions, horseback rides, and visits to the Serra da Lousã Biological Park; the Convento da Sertã Hotel is another excellent option with various promotions and experience packages; in Oleiros, Hotel Santa Margarida is a reliable choice. On Sundays, they offer a gastronomic experience to taste the famous cabrito estonado (a local roasted goat dish) from that region.

For those who prefer more intimate settings in the Aldeias do Xisto, the options are abundant. We highlight, for example, Mountain Whisper in Gondramaz, offering a relaxing two-night experience in several of its houses. In this village, the Retiro de Gondramaz accommodation is also available.

You can explore and book all accommodations through our fair trade platform (without fees) at

Festivals and Events

Throughout the autumn, local municipalities and associations promote a series of cultural events, as well as festivals tied to the cycle of local products, such as cheese and chestnuts.

Check the Aldeias do Xisto event calendar to stay up to date with the full program.

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