X Creations

X Creations

Artistic residences, presenting shows for the community, a photographic tour and musical performances in the Aldeias do Xisto. This is what Histérico, in partnership with ADXTUR, has prepared for this summer.

Two artistic residencies, involving performances to the community, a photographic tour and musical shows in the Aldeias do Xisto. This is the X Criações programme prepared by Histérico - Associação de Artes , in partnership with ADXTUR - Schist Villages Tourism Development Agency, for the coming summer. 

From 23 July to 1 August, the AXisto Criativo artistic residence will take place in the Aldeia do Xisto of Barroca. Aimed at  young people aged 16 to 26, with or without artistic experience, the initiative focuses on the themes of creative writing, vocal expressiveness, trying a choir, corporal expression, dramatic expression, improvisation and costume design and mise-en-scène techniques. Ethnographic and memorial collection is also planned in the Aldeias do Xisto of Álvaro Oleiros), Sobral de São Miguel (Covilhã), Barroca and Janeiro de Cima (Fundão). The result of such work will be publicly presented on 31 July.

A photographic tour is scheduled for the same day, taking participants to the rock carvings located in the Zêzere River, near Barroca, and the Panasqueira Mines slag heaps

For the first two weeks of August, six musical shows have been scheduled for the streets of the Aldeias do Xisto. From 16 to 22 August, the Histérico team will provide an artistic residence, which will culminate in the public performance of the show “The Myth of the Aldeias do Xisto”, scheduled for August 21.


  • AXisto Criativo - Artistic Residency 
    Aldeia do Xisto of Barroca
    23 July to 1 August | Presentation on 31 July
  • Photographic walk | Night-time photography workshop
    Aldeia do Xisto of Barroca
    31 July
  • Musical shows around the Aldeias do Xisto

    > 8 August:  Ferraria de São João, Penela
    > 12  August: Sarzedas, Castelo Branco
    > 14 August: Vila Cova de Alva, Arganil
    > August: Barroca, Fundão
    > 22  August:  Mosteiro, Pedrógão Grande

    Histérico Artistic Residency
  • Aldeia do Xisto of Barroca
    16 to 22 August | Performance of the show “The Myth of the Aldeias do Xisto”, on 21 August, in Sobral de São Miguel.

Applications for the AXisto Criativo artist residency can be made here. You can obtain further information  by emailing  histericoartes@gmail.com or calling +351 962 325 206 up to one week before the start of the activity. The fee is 35 euros for members of Histérico and 50 euros for non-members. The following requirements should be borne in mind:

  • Authorisation is required from a  parent or guardian; 
  • Declaration of honour relating to a quarantining period in the 4 days prior to the starting date of the Residency;
  • Negative antigen test for COVID-19 or vaccination carried out 2 to 3 days before the start of the residency.

Plan your entire stay at bookinxisto.com



Casas da Mina - Hostel
Casas da Mina - Hostel
Cabeço do Pião
ADXTUR- Agência para o Desenvolvimento Turístico das Aldeias do Xisto
ADXTUR- Agência para o Desenvolvimento Turístico das Aldeias do Xisto
Barroca, Fundão
Junta de Freguesia de Barroca
Junta de Freguesia de Barroca
Barroca, Fundão
Panoramic Road: Barroca - Fajão
Panoramic Road: Barroca - Fajão
Mining Territory - Barroca > Dornelas do Zêzere - GRZ on Foot: Stage 3
Mining Territory - Barroca > Dornelas do Zêzere - GRZ on Foot: Stage 3
Clássica Aldeias do Xisto: Barroca - Cerdeira
Clássica Aldeias do Xisto: Barroca - Cerdeira
Meanders - Detour Dornelas do Zêzere > Alqueidão - GRZ on Foot: Stage 4.2
Meanders - Detour Dornelas do Zêzere > Alqueidão - GRZ on Foot: Stage 4.2
Mining Territory - Cabeço do Pião > Barroca - GRZ on Foot: Stage 2
Mining Territory - Cabeço do Pião > Barroca - GRZ on Foot: Stage 2
Pinus Verde - Association for Development
Pinus Verde - Association for Development
Bogas de Cima
Olho Vivo - Associação de Caça e Pesca
Olho Vivo - Associação de Caça e Pesca
Malhada Velha, Fundão
Mining Territory - Detour to Silvares Intermodal Station - GRZ on Foot: Stage 3.1
Mining Territory - Detour to Silvares Intermodal Station - GRZ on Foot: Stage 3.1
Comissão de Melhoramentos de Porto de Vacas
Comissão de Melhoramentos de Porto de Vacas
Janeiro de Baixo
Porto de Vacas - Xiqueiro Epic Climb
Porto de Vacas - Xiqueiro Epic Climb
Unhais-o-Velho Climbing Crag
Unhais-o-Velho Climbing Crag
União das Freguesias de Janeiro de Cima e Bogas de Baixo
União das Freguesias de Janeiro de Cima e Bogas de Baixo
Janeiro de Cima, Fundão
Grupo Desportivo Tigres do Zêzere
Grupo Desportivo Tigres do Zêzere
Janeiro de Cima
Associação de Solidariedade Social, Recreativa e Cultural de Janeiro de Cima
Associação de Solidariedade Social, Recreativa e Cultural de Janeiro de Cima
Chapel of São Sebastião
Chapel of São Sebastião
Janeiro de Cima
Janeiro de Cima
Junta de Freguesia de Lavacolhos
Junta de Freguesia de Lavacolhos